Reviews on a Graco Magnum Lts 15 Paint Sprayer

Whether you are a homeowner looking to redecorate some areas that are looking tired, add a fresh glaze to a wall, or repaint several rooms, y'all demand to tackle it caput on – a pigment sprayer volition help you attain simply that.

Used commercially by professionals, there are now there are many models that are designed for use in domestic firm spraying (such every bit the Graco Magnum X5 or Graco Magnum X7) as well as past semi-professional person contractors or handymen.

Here we're looking at the model known commercially every bit the Graco 17G177 Magnum ProX17 Stand Pigment Sprayer.

The Graco Magnum ProX17 is from 1 of the top brands in the market, so earlier nosotros go into the specifications, here's a little more about what a paint sprayer does, and why you demand 1.

Introducing the Graco ProX17 Airless Sprayer

Applied science has advanced to the point where the like of the Graco Magnum ProX17 effectively has a congenital-in compressor, powered by a powerful electrical motor.

This is known as an airless paint sprayer and means greater versatility, and cost saving equally you don't demand a compressor (check out the dissimilar types of pigment sprayers if you're curious to learn more than).

Graco PROX17 Airless Paint Sprayer

It too means you lot can move the machine around the holding to where yous want it to be, and you are not tied to where the compressor might be.

Indeed, the Magnum ProX17 is more than or less set to get out of the box, is piece of cake to set up, and once you do the art of spraying (it's recommended you try information technology out in all functions before yous embark on a job) you'll find it very elementary to employ and maintain.

Hither's our in-depth Graco Magnum ProX17 review to help you decide if information technology's the car for your house needs.

About the Graco 17G177 Magnum ProX17

Among the many different spray guns on the market, nosotros've called to review the ProX17 for a couple of reasons.

First, Graco is a leading name in the paint sprayer market, and second, this model is amongst the best you lot can purchase for this price range, alongside the Titan 440 review we've written about before.

It's designed for serious jobs and whilst it's not the cheapest. when information technology comes to power and ability, few sprayers are going to lucifer this ane in terms of capability.

Paint Spraying Wood

To give y'all an idea of what yous are buying, let's have a look at the key features of the Graco 17G177 Magnum ProX17 paint sprayer.

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Primal Features of the Graco X17

Stand Blueprint

The sheer variety of pigment sprayers on the market ways you will take to choose between a number of different designs and features. For example, some sprayers are spread-out in i unit and are smaller hand-held machines.

The Graco 17G177 is a larger model than almost DIY sprayers – although not too large to exist used around the abode – and comes with an integrated stand up.

You hold the spray gun itself, which gives you greater versatility, while the physical machine that does all the work remains on its stand on the floor.

Adjustable Pressure & Control of Paint Flow

Due to how airless paint sprayers work, air pressure flow is fully adjustable and then you lot can cull the level and speed of the output of the cloth.

Adjustable Airless Pressure Knob

The adjustable pressure gives you much more control and ways you can employ a larger tip size to go the job done faster, and also means that for larger, uncomplicated areas you lot tin use a loftier-pressure level airflow and get the chore done quickly.

Users claim that a 3-day job tin be washed within a day using the Graco 17G177 Magnum ProX17.

Powerful DC Motor for Longer Hose Length

The surprisingly powerful DC electric motor tin can support very long extension hoses so you can work a long mode from the base unit.

You lot get as standard a 50-foot Duraflex paint hose, but the machine is quite capable of delivering via a maximum hose length of 150-pes should you require (with no loss of pressure) so that'southward worth keeping in mind if you have a multi-story holding or big distances to cover.

An instant starting time function ways the machine is primed and prepare to go when needed.

Will Spray Most Household Paints (Perfect for a Handyman)

1 of the problems with older sprayers was the need for thinners when using thicker or lower pasty materials or lacquers.

The Graco X17 does not require excess thinning thanks to its powerful electric motor.

Carry in heed that different some designs, you do not fill a built-in reservoir. It will suck straight from the suction hose from anything up to a 5-liter bucket, making information technology splendid for exterior and unabridged dwelling painting projects.

Note: You may need to employ a different filter for varying viscosities of paint.

Inter-Changeable Reversible Spray Tips

With the package, you become a total range of changeable spraying tips. These cover spraying radius of between 4" and ten", and then you have a nifty deal of scope in terms of what y'all can do.

It's worth testing all the options before you commence on whatsoever projects, both to run into what the different configurations are capable of, and how all-time to use it for the virtually effective results.

Yous will likewise get a skillful thought of the finish from the tip size yous have the different models of spray tips.

Long Life Stainless Steel Pump Parts

One notable characteristic is that information technology is fabricated with quality materials of the sort yous would normally find reserved for commercial and professional person-standard equipment. This means it tin can survive the harsh conditions and usage on a job site.

The long life stainless steel piston pump is responsible for delivering the spray and is the part you want to offer the most immovability.

If it does fail (which all paint sprayer models volition somewhen), you can supplant many of the parts on it easily thanks to its clever blueprint.

Easy to Replace Piston and Pump Section

Note – Replacing airless paint sprayer stainless steel piston pumps and packing kits is commonly an expensive and fourth dimension-consuming process involving y'all having to transport the sprayer off to an authorized repair middle, and then being able to fit a pump replacement with minimal tools is a life saver.

Like shooting fish in a barrel to Clean Filters

Fitted with a series of filters designed to grab whatever debris or grit that may get into the pigment before it reaches the spraying tip profoundly reduces the problem of bottleneck and cuts downtime.

Easy To Change Filteers

Each filter is designed to be hands removable for like shooting fish in a barrel cleaning and pump replacement, making maintenance and cleanup a breeze.

Quality Airless Spray Gun for Quality Finishes

The spray gun of the Graco Magnum Pro X17 itself is a nicely made loftier-quality model, with stiff and durable metal fittings, that is designed for prolonged and steady usage across multiple projects.

It'southward easy to handle, light and compact, and performs precisely and accurately with simple controls. It also has a swivel attachment to the hose to cease knots and twists in your pigment hose.

The spray tips simply popular in and out, keeping the reanimation when fitting a replacement or changing tip size minimal.

Easy Cleanup and Like shooting fish in a barrel to Make clean Hoses

I major bonus with the Graco Magnum Pro X17 is that it has been designed to be very elementary to admission during a routine cleanup – which volition be welcome news to all of those who hate the cleanup afterwards a job! (ie. near people)

One time you take finished, only attach the inlet to a regular garden hose, and simply flush out the paint residue. Leave it to dry, and it's ready for use again. Mininamal downtime and cleanup over.

Meaty Overall Design

This model is no featherweight, but for a sprayer of this stature it'southward not a dead weight either, and the standard 50-human foot hose should hateful it doesn't need to exist moved oftentimes.

Storage space in your home is also minimal.

If there is one thing we would say it's that if you practise plan on moving around a lot, consider getting Graco X19 airless spray gun which includes wheels.

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Pros and Cons

Here's a brief look at what's expert, and what'southward not then expert!

What Nosotros Dearest About Information technology

  • Powerful motor means yous can use up to a 150ft hose, with a 50ft Duraflex hose supplied as standard.
  • Any smooth material or liquid can be used with this machine, without the need for thinning or priming.
  • Fully adaptable air pressure gives y'all full control of pigment period and attain the finish you want.
  • A set of changeable tips gives you lot options between 4" and x" spray diameter for added accurateness.
  • Easy to clean past attaching a garden hose and flushing the system, then left to dry out.
  • The high quality of parts which are of a professional person standard, such as the stainless steel piston pump.
  • Super like shooting fish in a barrel maintenance and piston pump replacement.
  • Instant start and long life pump mean you are set up to become whenever you need.
  • Will reduce painting fourth dimension and handle even the largest jobs, excellent for rental properties.
  • Used by home contractors, professionals and experts to create a perfect terminate.

What We Disliked

  • No wheels make the frame a footling bad-mannered to move on a larger property and long fences.
  • Very powerful when in usage then y'all need to mask well and brand sure you have the right tip
  • Perchance likewise large for small jobs, even with the adaptable pressure decision-making the pigment catamenia

At that place is no doubt theProX17 is a competent and capable machine, and many satisfied users take paid testimony to its ability and quality, simply is information technology for you?

Earlier nosotros sum up our review, a quick expect at who might use one of these.

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Who Is It For?

If you are looking for a paint sprayer for occasional, smaller jobs, the Graco 17G177 Magnum ProX17 is perhaps not the model for you.

Professional airless spray gun

It is designed for large areas, and more serious decorating work, so it's perfect if yous have a whole house to remodel – or every bit a paint sprayer for interior walls, and as well as a paint sprayer exterior walls, some outdoor fences, and buildings, or anything that would normally accept a serious amount of time with a brush or roller – then this is certainly a model worth looking at.

In terms of power and technical specs, it's similar to that of the long-standing Titan 440 airless sprayer with a similar learning curve.

It'south as well suitable for contractors, specially those specializing in interior painting and decorating.

Terminal Thoughts – Graco Magnum ProX17 Review

We've said it all above; this is an impressive airless paint sprayer that will cut your decorating time downward considerably, assuming what yous are doing is decorating large areas in one go.

Information technology is well-made, easy to utilize and comes with a suitably lengthy hose, and is very simple to gear up upwardly and use with a little exercise. With that said, you can await some maintenance as with all airless paint sprayers.

It'southward also very simple to use. Check out this quick video from Graco themselves on the basic operations of the Magnum range of sprayers.

to clean once your work is washed, and at the price is a sensible choice in a marketplace that is hotly contested. Y'all also become the benefit of the Graco brand, which is ane of the leading names in the business concern.

It'southward non for professionals and regular remodelers though, so bear this in mind if you take a lot of piece of work to go through. If you need a more heavyweight auto, check out our Graco 390 review first.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When buying your beginning airless paint sprayer it'southward extremely common to have quite a few questions. I've washed my best to answer each of the most commons ones below.

What do you do with a paint sprayer betwixt coats?

If y'all're between coats with a pigment sprayer and are left waiting for paint to dry out, y'all do not demand to empty and clean the sprayer. Simply rotate the spray tip 90 degrees so the orifice is not visible and exit the suction hose submerged in the pigment bucket.

How long can I leave paint in my airless sprayer?

Every bit a rule of pollex, you tin can leave pigment in an airless sprayer for up to 5 hours (assuming it's not a time-sensitive paint and the weather isn't too hot).

Paint will just dry when subjected to air, so leave the system airtight, submerge the spray gun in a bucket of water and either keep the suction hose in the paint or in a bucket of water.

How do you unclog an airless sprayer?

Unclogging a spray tip is generally very easy and just requires you to reverse the spray tip, jet the paint into an one-time bucket or bag so flip the spray tip back to its original position.

If you have clogs in your auto itself, then you lot may need to remove each filter and run warm water through the unabridged system in spray mode for several minutes. Nosotros'd besides recommend removing the spray tip from the gun during this cleaning procedure.

How exercise yous clean a Magnum prox17?

Cleaning a Graco Magnum ProX17 is relatively unproblematic and should accept betwixt 5-15 minutes. Remove the spray tip and clean it separately, and then spray water or thinners through the machine whilst it's in spray mode. You will also accept a dump valve, you should allow the pressure to build upwards and and then dump the cleaning fluid several times.

For a total guide on how to make clean an airless paint sprayer, read this guide.


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